2016 Maine PPA Photo Exposition, Convention and Trade Show

February 26, 2016  •  Leave a Comment









18 - 20 March is the 2016 Maine Professional Photographers Association's (MPPA) Photographic Exposition, Convention and Trade Show. This years extravaganza is being held at the Clarion Hotel, 1230 Congress St, Portland, Maine. We have some great speakers lined up for your enjoyment and education: Kaitlyn James on Weddings, Gary Hughes on Professional Headshots, Richard Sturdevant on Sports, and Alison Miniter on Beginning Photoshop. As an extra fee, we have arranged a workshop on Monday with Lou Freeman and her fashion photography. Please take a look at the Convention page on the MPPA website for the full schedule of events: http://maineppa.com/convention/

There are many activities planned for the weekend, to make this one of the most enjoyable, entertaining, and worthwhile conventions we have had.  The MPPA Board of Directors has been working hard to put together a Trade show for this convention. We are still in talks with some Vendors, but here are some that will be represented at the Trade Show with a booth or table: H+H, ACI, Hunt's, Tamron, MacGroup, Moab, Maine Canvas Prints and Beauty Couture. In addition, Lowepro, Blue Marble, Nations Photo Lab, and Paul C. Buff have donated product or gift certificates for the Silent Auction and Raffle that will help support our speaker fund for the coming year. The Trade show is on Saturday, and is free for all photographers. You do not have to go to convention to come browse the Vendors in the Trade Show area. It will be going on at the same time as the Print Competition, which is also free to attend. The Trade Show and Photo Expo are Saturday, 20 March 2016. The Print Judging begins at 8 am and the Trade Show is open from 9 am to 2 pm. Hope to see many of you there.

Club 79 is also new to this year's convention and Print Exposition. In the past we watched the Print Competition in the same room as the judges and could not comment on the images (good or bad). This year the judging is being piped into a separate area we have set aside. So get rowdy, let your feelings be known. A cash bar will be available and you can pre-order lunch for $10. Should be a blast, and you can visit the Vendors at the Trade Show during the judging, Lunch, and breaks.

The Vendors will also be holding mini-programs throughout the day. So, come join the fun. You might be able to pick up a deal on one of the items being featured in our Silent Auction.

A Hospitality Suite is also available during the Convention. Evening festivities are planned for Saturday and Sunday. Saturday, we are having a Sports Night. Wear your favorite team jersey (or not) and come join the fun. I hear there may be a Foosball Table, and other goodies available.

Sunday Evening, after the Awards Banquet, is the Gala Red Carpet event in the Hospitality Suite. What a way to finish off the convention. Come party with old friends, as well as new friends you have met over the weekend.

This Photography Exposition, Convention and Trade Show will be bigger and better than ever. And, I am not saying that just because I have been involved in the planning, and putting together the Trade Show. Well, maybe just a little.

To sweeten the pot, if you have never been to one of our conventions and have not been a member of MPPA since 2012, you may be eligible for a Buddy Pass for the weekend. Just contact one of the MPPA members and tell them you are interested in coming to the convention on a Buddy Pass. They can submit your name to our Membership Committee, and get you added to the list.

If you have any questions, please be sure to e-mail me at [email protected].


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