Destination Weddings

February 21, 2017  •  Leave a Comment









My year in review found me in several new and unique ventures. I continued photographing weddings for Connie Jo Mills of All In One Weddings throughout the year. This, in itself is very interesting as most of these are destination weddings and I get to meet people from all around the country and all walks of life.

One of the most interesting was a couple from Massachusetts that were having a small ceremony on Malden Island, just off the coast of Georgetown, Maine. The shooting day began, and ended, with a skiff ride from Five Islands Lobster Pound to the dock at Malden Island. It was a second wedding for both of them, so the ceremony was small with just a few family members present. They were very personable and treated John Portela (the officiant) and I as part of the family. After the ceremony, the Bride wanted to dive in the ocean to celebrate.

I adjusted the settings on my Canon EOS 5D Mark III for a shutter speed of 1/250 and f16 to capture both the correct lighting and Depth of Field. I wanted a shutter speed fast enough so there was enough sharpness, and continuous shutter release. This enabled me to get a very nice sequence. The bride loved the results, and so did I.

Christine and Christopher were married at a camp in South Bristol, Maine. There is something special and magical about having your ceremony on the Maine coast with the ocean in the background. It is hard to convey the joy that is felt by capturing the memories of a couple in love.

Christine and Christopher were no exception. Tears of joy were shed by everyone. This type of photography is not for everyone. No two weddings are alike, and the lighting is always a challenge. Christine and Christopher's wedding had just about every condition except rain. One minute it was cloudy, then sunny, then we were in heavy dappled shadows. You just have to be very adaptable.

My significant other, Rose, and I flew to St. Louis, Missouri to photograph my nephews wedding in Granite City, Illinois. It was a perfect October day for a wedding in the park. Robert and Jamie had been planning this for over a year, and the weather gods smiled on them. This was not the typical project I take on. Rather than the short elopement style weddings, this was big, and long. The day began at 10:00 am, with me shooting the groomsmen getting ready, then on to the park, photographing guests as they arrive. Finally the ladies arrived and the time for the ceremony was upon us.











I had no idea going into this that it would be such a large wedding with over 150 guests. If I had known this in advance, I would have hired a local photographer as a second shooter. The wedding went off without a hitch, and we finished the day around 9:00 pm at the reception in Collinsville, Illinois.

This was the area I grew up in and it was nice to take Rose around the area sight seeing. If you are ever in St. Louis, the Arch and the St. Louis Zoo are a must.

Stay tuned, my next blog entry will be about my first experience photographing a Somali Wedding in Lewiston, Maine.




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