Corporate Events and Group Photos

May 02, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

I was recently contacted by Global Manufacturing to do a group shoot for the companies 130th anniversary. While Global has been around for quite some time, they bought Falcon Footwear a few years ago, and it is now Global Footwear. The Auburn facility manufactures Boots for Fire Fighters. They had initially wanted the photo done outside, but had a contingency plan in case of inclement weather. Of course, being in Maine, we had to fall back on the contingency plan, which ended up being a great location.

Gayle, the HR person at Global, gathered about 52 employees and 3 company executives in front of an old Auburn Fire Engine, making a perfect back drop for the company photo. What a great group of people, very enthusiastic about their company and what they produce. Their spirit was catching. On of the employees set up a lift for me to gain height to make sure everyone was in the photo, and visible. Sure beat climbing up and down a ladder.

I used two Studio Lights to light up the group, and only wished my light stands would have gone higher. A boom would have worked good to direct the light down and reduce shadows, but I was happy with the results. Everyone was smiling and almost everyone was looking at the camera. That is where a good retouch service comes into play. I sent two photos to use. One as the base photo, and one as a reference they could pull from. The base photo had everything good, except for two people that were hidden, or looking away. used the reference photo to pull those pieces and replace them on the base photo. When you look at the completed photo, above, you will never see that anything was done to fix it. I always try to leave enough space around the group so the photo can be cropped, depending on what size print is ordered.

After the group shot, we used the Fire Truck to pose the Company Executives with their fun outfits. Great sports, with infectious smiles and laughter to brighten any photo shoot. What a pleasure it was to work with the Company and its employees and representatives. I love doing corporate work and hope to schedule more in the future.




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