Gallery Exhibits

June 22, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

I have been in the business of Photography for many years. One of the rights of passage, or paying your dues if you will, is exhibiting in galleries and/or preparing and hanging exhibits. I know how much work goes into the location before even a photograph, or painting, is hung. Nail holes must be patched, walls must be painted, floors must be cleaned and the entire space has to be conducive to the public purchasing your art. I have "probably" participated in my last gallery showing. It is a lot of work, and I am concentrating more on my portrait and commercial work in this phase of my career. Sometimes, a new gallery opens that I feel deserves some recognition. Jim Walker Photograph has distinguished itself as The Best of Lewiston/Auburn, Maine in 2019.

I attended a gallery opening Friday evening that I thought should be highlighted and noted. The gallery is the work of Paul Gori and Neiley Harris. A lot of time and effort went into preparing space on the 2nd floor of 94 Commercial Street in Portland, Maine. The "Neiley" Gallery and Studio primarily shows her work in oils, acrylic and watercolor; as well as studio space to work on new pieces. Her flowers are big and bold, her trees reach to the sky, and her new paintings of Koi Fish are beautiful. Neiley has exhibited, and sold, her work at the Café This Way in Bar Harbor, Maine for many years. Her new gallery in Portland is a welcome expansion to her art work.

Portland, MainePaul Gori and Neiley HarrisPaul Gori and Neiley Harris at the Neiley Harris Gallery in Portland, Maine

This photo of Paul and Neiley was taken at the Gallery opening on 22 June 2019.


A couple of examples of her wonderful flower images are seen in the background. More of her work, and information on her gallery can be found at: Neiley Gallery and Studio. Neiley also has her own YouTube channel with videos of her paintings, some from start to finish.

One room in the Gallery contains the work of her artist mother, Annette Lavallee. Annette is a well know watercolor and acrylic artist from Auburn, Maine.

This gallery should be on your "to do" list if you come to Portland, especially on the First Friday Art Walks.


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